The Hunchback of Notre Dame - The Masters of Cinema Series, Blu-ray BluRay

The Hunchback of Notre Dame - The Masters of Cinema Series Blu-ray

Starring Lon Chaney, Nigel de Brulier, Patsy Ruth Miller, Raymond Hatton, Norman Kerry, Ernest Torrence, Tully Marshall, Gladys Brockwell, Kate Lester, Brandon Hurst

Directed by Wallace Worsley


  • Information


Gothic drama based on the novel by Victor Hugo in which the hunchbacked bell-ringer Quasimodo (Lon Chaney) lives in the bell-towers of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

He loves a beautiful gypsy girl, Esmeralda (Patsy Ruth Miller), who in turn loves Captain Phoebus (Norman Kerry).

Quasimodo's evil master Jehan (Brandon Hurst) has his own plans for Esmeralda and Quasimodo does his best to protect her, but a final showdown at Notre Dame ends in tragedy.


