Insight : How Decision Analysis Relieved a Life Crisis, EPUB eBook

Insight : How Decision Analysis Relieved a Life Crisis EPUB


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The year 2022 was supposed the best year of my career.

Being in my early 50s I was about to complete my first decade working in the pharmaceutical industry.

I would be lying if I said that the transition from the energy industry to pharmaceuticals had been easy, but after a few difficult years I felt confident about the future.

Then one day, I was rushed to hospital because I had collapsed in the garden.

A scan showed that I had a brain tumour. From that day onwards matters changed dramatically - things that were important to me before lost all their value whilst other things that I had taken for granted before became suddenly very important to me. This book is my attempt to make a difference to all people who are suffering from a terminal illness, or indeed all people who must make personal decisions at difficult and emotionally charged times.

This book is intended for individuals who wish to improve their decision-making skills by using structured and analytical thinking.

In this personal book, I am using examples and thought experiments to illustrate how decision analysis can be used to increase our awareness of available choices and uncertainties that we are exposed to.


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