Barney the Bear and Friends, EPUB eBook

Barney the Bear and Friends EPUB


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This story takes us on an adventure about a bear and his two best friends, Owen the owl and Lee the lemur, who all live in the woods.

Owen, the night owl, helps Barney the bear at night mainly.

Lee the lemur sees him during the day. One day we learn that Barney the bear likes playing silly jokes on his friends but Barney soon realizes that sometimes it's not that nice to play jokes on our friends.

He feels like his friends are unhappy with him and runs to think about what he did.

He writes a letter to his mum as he is on his own without his mum in the woods… but do his friends know this and that he is missing her?

Will they find out? Will they find the truth about Barney the bear? Why not have a read and see!So join in on the fun and see lovely friends come to life!This book is to celebrate the birth of my beautiful boy, Jacob Charles Keith Crump, born the 5th of February.


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