Game of Thrones: The Complete Fourth Season, Blu-ray  BluRay

Game of Thrones: The Complete Fourth Season Blu-ray


  • Information


The complete fourth season of the HBO medieval fantasy drama based on the bestselling novel series 'A Song of Ice and Fire' by George R.R.

Martin. The programme follows the battle between the Starks and the other noble families of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros to gain control of the Iron Throne.

In this season, Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage) finds his life is in danger when he is accused and put on trial for murder.

Elsewhere, Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and the brothers of the Night's Watch defend the Wall when the wildlings launch an attack.

The episodes are: 'Two Swords', 'The Lion and the Rose', 'Breaker of Chains', 'Oathkeeper', 'First of His Name', 'The Laws of Gods and Men', 'Mockingbird', 'The Mountain and the Viper', 'The Watchers On the Wall' and 'The Children'.


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