Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, DVD  DVD


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Comedy starring Robert Downey Jr. Harry Lockhart (Downey Jr.) is basically a decent guy.

Sure, he's a petty thief who skates through life on a shaky cocktail of dog-eared charm and cockeyed optimism, but he wants to do the right thing.

He just doesn't know how, exactly. Harry's perpetual bad luck takes a turn for the better when he and his partner are doing some after-hours Christmas 'shopping' at a New York City toy store and the security alarm breaks up the party.

In making his frantic getaway from the cops, Harry inadvertently stumbles into an audition for a Hollywood detective movie, and faster than you can say Jack Robinson, the producer flies him to Los Angeles for a screen test.

Thrust into the cutthroat world of L.A.'s pros, cons, losers and wannabes, Harry is teamed with tough-guy private eye Perry van Shrike (Val Kilmer), AKA 'Gay Perry', to prepare him for his screen test.


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