If time stops, EPUB eBook

If time stops EPUB


  • Information


A literary novel that deals with a social story, which was formulated in a romantic style, written by writer Sophie Weston, her original name: The Duke's Propsal.

Jimina tried multiple forms of relationships, but the time she spent is walking with Nial Black Myshmen on the beach on the Caribbean island that was completely different.

It is not usual to be affected by the looks of the admiration that men give, as her fashion model makes this scene normal to the level of routine, but what distinguishes this emergency relationship is that Jimina and Nyal do not know anything about the identity of each other, the looks of admiration in his eyes are unique, and do not lean on Being below the lights to attract attention.

Her experience with men made her able to distinguish this type of look, she is real and deep despite her short life, just as this man has a special prestige, and a different attractiveness, so do not spoil his words, or superficial surface goals.

The heat of the hot sand on which they were walking over their hearts, and the sea breeze on the beach carried them on the dream wing, and a warm sense of safety in her heart when he took off his jacket and put her on her shoulders.


  • Format:EPUB
  • Publisher:Rufoof
  • Publication Date:
  • Category:
  • ISBN:9786448663762



  • Format:EPUB
  • Publisher:Rufoof
  • Publication Date:
  • Category:
  • ISBN:9786448663762