Serial Experiments Lain: The Complete Collection, Blu-ray BluRay

Serial Experiments Lain: The Complete Collection Blu-ray

Starring Kaori Shimizu, Show Hayami, Ryusuke Obayashi, Rei Igarashi, Yoko Asada, Ayako Kawasumi, Keito Takimoto, Shigeru Chiba, Takumi Yamazaki, Sumi Mutoh

Directed by Ryutaro Nakamura


  • Information


All 13 episodes from the Japanese anime series directed by Ryutaro Nakamura. 14-year-old Lain (voice of Kaori Shimizu) receives an email from someone she thought was dead.

This email allows her access to 'The Wired' which is a world within her computer and one where if you know how to use it, unlimited power awaits.

Lain finds herself spending more and more time in The Wired as her life in the outside world becomes unbearable, and soon the divide between the two worlds begins to blur.

The episodes are: 'Weird', 'Girls', 'Psyche', 'Religion', 'Distortion', 'Kids', 'Society', 'Rumors', 'Protocol', 'Love', 'Infornography', 'Landscape' and 'Ego'.


