The Three Musketeers, PDF eBook

The Three Musketeers PDF

Part of the 2 series


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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility.

The hour having come, they went with their four lackeys to a spot behind the Luxembourg given up to the feed ing of goats.

Athos threw a piece of money to the goat keeper to withdraw.

The lackeys were ordered to act as sentinels. A silent party soon drew near to the same enclosure, entered, and joined the musketeers.

Then, according to foreign custom, the presentations took place.

The Englishmen were all men of rank; consequently, the odd names of their adversaries were for them not only a matter of surprise, but of annoyance.

But after all, said Lord de Winter, when the three friends had been named, we do not know who you are.

We cannot fight with such names; they are names of shepherds.

Therefore your lordship may suppose they are only assumed names, said Athos.

Which only gives us a greater desire to know the real ones, replied the Englishman.


  • Format:PDF
  • Publisher:Forgotten Books
  • Publication Date:
  • Category:
  • ISBN:9780259735052

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  • Format:PDF
  • Publisher:Forgotten Books
  • Publication Date:
  • Category:
  • ISBN:9780259735052