Khumba: A Zebra's Tale, Blu-ray  BluRay


  • Information


Anthony Silverston directs this animation featuring the voices of Jake T.

Austin, Liam Neeson, Steve Buscemi and Richard E. Grant. Khumba (Austin), a zebra born with only half his stripes, is picked on and ridiculed by the members of his stripe-obsessed herd.

When a drought is declared upon the Great Karoo, Khumba is blamed for bringing a curse to their land.

After a mysterious creature appears in front of him showing a map leading to water, Khumba sees an opportunity to earn his stripes and sets off in search of a new life.

When his path crosses that of Phango (Neeson), a superstitious, blind leopard, Phango reveals that he has been waiting a long time for Khumba because, according to an ancient myth, a half-striped zebra is destined to make Phango the most powerful hunter who ever lived.


