Lughnasadh : Rituals, Recipes and Lore for Lammas, Paperback / softback Book

Lughnasadh : Rituals, Recipes and Lore for Lammas Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

  • Information


The first of three harvest festivals, Lughnasadh represents the delight of seeing the first signs of effort beginning to pay off.

It's the beginning of the culmination of summer-time's toil, and what you personally have sowed is now in the early stages of being reaped.

This well-rounded introduction to the holiday comes complete with correspondences, rituals, recipes, and lore.

Lughnasadh recipes include bean soup, baked bread, squash casserole, apple tart, and more; crafts include corn silk blessing wand, magical berry ink, and corn dolly.


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