Woman Times Seven, DVD  DVD


  • Information


Shirley MacLaine stars in seven vignettes, each telling a story of adultery, in this essay on sexual mores in the late 1960s by Italian director Vittorio De Sica.

In 'Funeral Possession', a widow misbehaves at her husband's funeral.

In 'Amateur Night', an embittered wife turns to prostitution out of revenge.

In 'Two Against One', a girl who appears to be a prude turns out to have surprising traits. 'Super Simone' sees a young wife adopting increasingly elaborate methods to divert her workaholic writer husband. 'At the Opera' depicts an ugly battle over a supposedly exclusive dress. 'Suicides' shows a couple making a death pact. In 'Snow', a woman's new flame turns out to be a private detective hired by her jealous husband.


