Adrift in Tokyo, Blu-ray BluRay


  • Information


Offbeat Japanese comedy following the unusual bond that develops between a demotivated student and a debt collector for the loan shark he owes money to.

Takemura (Jô Odagiri) is a student with few friends, no family and almost as a little ambition.

His inherent laziness has seen him borrow money he is unable to earn back and brings him into contact with Fukuhara (Tomokazu Miura), an enforcer for a local loan shark.

After initially roughing Takemura up in fairly traditional style, Fukuhara plays much less to type on his second visit to see the student - announcing that if Takemura merely accompanies him on a walk across the city the best part of his debt will be written off.

Little does Takemura anticipate what this journey will entail; the pair meet a variety of the city's eccentric characters before Fukuhara reveals their ultimate destination: the police station where he will turn himself in for murdering his own wife.


