Red Herrings And White Elephants : The Origins of the Phrases We Use Every Day, Hardback Book

Red Herrings And White Elephants : The Origins of the Phrases We Use Every Day Hardback


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'The man with all the answers in Albert Jack' Daily Express'Square meal' 'Load of old codswallop' 'Egg on your face' 'In the limelight'. . . The English language is littered with everyday expressions like these, but have you ever stopped to wonder what they really mean and where they come from?

Red Herrings and White Elephants delves deep into the fabric of English phraseology and in doing so explores the wide-ranging factors and fascinating linguistic history which continues to inform the way we speak to this day. So whether you want to impress whilst hobnobbing with clever folk, lick your pub quiz knowledge into shape, or simply add a feather to your linguistic cap, you'll soon be full of incredible facts that leave you feeling as bright as a button.


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