Rising Damp: The Complete Collection, DVD  DVD

Rising Damp: The Complete Collection DVD

Starring Leonard Rossiter, Frances de la Tour, Richard Beckinsale, Don Warrington, Denholm Elliott

Directed by Ronnie Baxter


  • Information


All four series' of the hugely popular 70s sitcom in which lecherous but lovable landlord, Rupert Rigsby (Leonard Rossiter), comes together with an eclectic group of lodgers.

Series 1 episodes comprise: 'The Lodgers', 'Black Magic', 'A Night Out', 'Charisma', 'All Our Yesterdays', 'The Prowler' and 'Stand Up and Be Counted'. Series 2 episodes comprise: 'Permissive Society', 'Food Glorious Food', 'A Body Like Mine', 'Moonlight and Roses', 'The Perfect Gentlemen', 'The Last of the Big Spenders' and 'Things That Go Bump in the Night'.

Series 3 episodes comprise: 'That's My Boy', 'Stage Struck', 'Clunk Click', 'The Good Samaritan', 'Fawcett's Python', 'The Cocktail Hour' and 'Suddenly at Home'.

Series 4 episodes comprise: 'Hello Young Lovers', 'Fire and Brimstone', 'Great Expectations', 'Pink Carnations', 'Under the Influence' and 'Come On In the Water's Lovely'.

Also included is 'Rising Damp - The Movie' (1980).


