Doctor Who: Revisitations 3, DVD  DVD


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Collection of three classic episodes from the long-running BBC sci-fi drama.

In 'The Tomb of the Cybermen' the Doctor (Patrick Troughton), Jamie (Frazer Hines) and Victoria (Deborah Watling) arrive on the Cybermen's adopted planet of Telos to find an archaeological group attempting to enter the Cyber tombs.

But are their motives purely academic? The Doctor must do battle with not only the Cybermen, but their killer pets and their leader, the Cyber Controller. 'The Three Doctors' teams the third Doctor, Jon Pertwee, with his predecessors, Troughton and William Hartnell, as they battle against an embittered renegade Time Lord in his anti-matter Universe.

In 'The Robots of Death' the Doctor (Tom Baker) and Leela (Louise Jameson) find themselves under suspicion of murder when the TARDIS lands on a Sandminer, a craft designed to mine valuable ores on alien planets.

The vessel is manned by a huge staff of robots and a handful of humans, who are being killed off one by one.

After preventing an attempted sabotage of the mine, the Doctor realises that someone has managed to override the robots' programming, turning them into relentless killing machines.


