The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, DVD DVD

The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe DVD

Starring Dan O'Herlihy, Jaime Fernández, Felipe de Alba, Chel López, Jose Chavez, Emilio Garibay

Directed by Luis Buñuel


  • Information


Luis Bunuel's morally ambitious and spiritually daring adaptation of the classic novel by Daniel Defoe, in which Robinson Crusoe (Dan O'Herlihy) is stranded on a deserted island after a shipwreck while on a trip to purchase African slaves.

Crusoe's curiosity proves unending, and his recycling of the land's resources highly economical (he protects himself from wild beasts and savages using the pilfered remains of his now-sunken ship).

Meanwhile, his surreal encounter with his father's spirit reveals the castaway's complex view of religion, forgiveness and guilt.


