The Haunting of Bly Manor, Blu-ray BluRay


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All nine episodes from the supernatural horror series starring Victoria Pedretti.

In 1987, young American Dani Clayton (Pedretti/Elizabeth Allhands) is hired by wealthy Englishman Henry Wingrave (Henry Thomas) to look after his niece and nephew at Bly Manor.

As she settles in and acquaints herself with the children and her fellow staff members, Dani is subjected to a terrifying ordeal as she slowly uncovers the manor's dark history.

The episodes are: 'The Great Good Place', 'The Pupil', 'The Two Faces, Part One', 'The Way It Came', 'The Altar of the Dead', 'The Jolly Corner', 'The Two Faces, Part Two', 'The Romance of Certain Old Clothes' and 'The Beast in the Jungle'.


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