Jackie Chan's Project A & Project A: Part II, Blu-ray BluRay

Jackie Chan's Project A & Project A: Part II Blu-ray

Starring Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung Kam-Bo, Yuen Biao, Dick Wei, Mars, Winnie Wong, Po Tai, Wu Long Cheung, Hoi San Lee, Hoi-Shan Kwan, Maggie Cheung

Directed by Jackie Chan


  • Information


Double bill of classic martial arts action features directed by and starring Jackie Chan.

In 'Project A' (1984) Chan plays Dragon Ma, a marine in turn-of-the-century Hong Kong.

His squad have made a dismal mess of trying to capture the most notorious pirates and cut-throats who work the China Sea, not realising that their failure is due to a traitor in their midst.

When the rivalry between the marines and the police comes to a head in a spectacular bar-room brawl, the two rival groups finally decide to unite against the pirates and prepare to mount a devastating raid on their lair.

In 'Project A: Part 2' (1987) Dragon Ma has been transferred to the police after defeating the pirate menace and sets about cleaning up the streets, where he stumbles into a revolutionary conspiracy involving Chinese patriots and a corrupt government.


