The Most Dangerous Game - The Masters of Cinema Series, Blu-ray BluRay

The Most Dangerous Game - The Masters of Cinema Series Blu-ray

Starring Joel McCrea, Fay Wray, Leslie Banks, Robert Armstrong, Noble Johnson, Steve Clemente, Dutch Hendrian, William B. Davidson

Directed by Irving Pichel


  • Information


Classic horror thriller directed by Irving Pichel and Ernest B.

Schoedsack. Big game hunter and author Bob Rainsford (Joel McCrea) is the only survivor of a shipwreck and, while swimming to safety, he realises the ship was deliberately led off course.

Stranded on a remote island owned by the sinister Russian Count Zaroff (Leslie Banks), Bob meets other previous shipwreck survivors including Eve Trowbridge (Fay Wray).

Fellow hunter Zaroff only has one prey in mind and, when Bob and Eve find his trophy room full of human heads, Bob becomes the object of his next hunt and must fight to survive.


