Inclusive Education : Examining Equity on Five Continents, Paperback / softback Book

Inclusive Education : Examining Equity on Five Continents Paperback / softback

Edited by Alfredo J. Artiles, Elizabeth B. Kozleski, Federico R. Waitoller

Paperback / softback

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Despite the impressive growth of inclusive education around the world, questions and considerations about equity have been neglected.

This edited volume makes a major contribution to the field of inclusive education by analyzing equity concerns that have emerged from the implementation of inclusive education models in nine nations on five continents. The authors examine how disparate approaches to inclusive education are mediated by the official and implicit goals of public education; by access to intellectual, human, and material resources; and by collective understanding of and educational responses to sociocultural differences.

Inclusive Education provides critical reviews of research on this important education reform movement, as well as a refined theoretical understanding of the ways equity is addressed.

It also offers lessons for future policy and research that are mindful of equity.


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