Between religion and science, EPUB eBook

Between religion and science EPUB

Edited by Raafat Allam


  • Information


Indeed, the writer's pen is an amazing picture of "Jenny Paxter".

It is like a bright accent in the sky of intelligence and courage, and glows with the sparkle of elegance and attractiveness.

Through her rare journalistic talent, Jenny stands in front of a big challenge; Winning a center in a discreet newspapers.

Its skills are brilliantly used to top the headlines and convince the famous editor -in -chief of their exceptional capabilities.

It has an exceptional ability to analyze and write that makes it stand out in the field of journalism.

With difficult tasks, its creativity appears in the face of challenges.

Here, the scales are turned, as it is in love with a handsome young man from the diplomatic arena.

Will Jenny be able to achieve her journalistic success and at the same time maintain her relationship with the beloved?

All this and more you find in the pages of this interesting novel.


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