Free Yourself from Emotionally Immature Parents : A Journal for Adults with Toxic Families, Paperback / softback Book

Free Yourself from Emotionally Immature Parents : A Journal for Adults with Toxic Families Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

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Emotionally immature parents come in many forms - some are narcissists who see their children as extensions of themselves, some are selfish and often put their own needs ahead of their children’s, and some are more subtle in their manipulation.

Dismissing a child’s feelings, grand gestures as substitutes for stability, and constant fighting and drama between the parents can have a lasting impact on children’s emotional health.

This journal helps adult children of emotionally immature parents break the cycle of toxic parenting and practice maturity in their own relationships.

With insightful prompts that help readers find healing and hope, this journal will appeal to the millions of people who have suffered at the hands of their immature parents.


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