First-Year Nurse : Advice on Working with Doctors, Prioritizing Care, and Time Management, EPUB eBook

First-Year Nurse : Advice on Working with Doctors, Prioritizing Care, and Time Management EPUB


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An Indispensable Guide for First-Time Nurses on Working with Doctors, the Joys of the Night Shift, and Facing Mistakes!

Youve completed the necessary education, passed the exams, and youre finally ready for your first year as a professional nurse. But there is still trepidation, accompanied by many unanswered questions.

A true first year of nursing 101 guide, this book covers topics like managing feedback, working with doctors, working night shift, and recovering from a mistake. Writer and nursing professional Beth Hawkes draws from her own experiences to offer expert tips for first-timers venturing into this important discipline. Writing in a manner thats digestible and including illustrative anecdotes along the way, Hawkes will put readers at ease with her clear advice and directivesmany of which can be applied in professional settings outside of nursing. She offers rookie nurses sample questions to help guide them on how they should be communicating with preceptors and colleagues, from morning to night.

The perfect gift for nurses just entering the field!


