Engaging English Learners : Exploring Literature, Developing Literacy and Differentiating Instruction, Paperback / softback Book

Engaging English Learners : Exploring Literature, Developing Literacy and Differentiating Instruction Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

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Written with a captivating voice, Engaging English Learners: Exploring Literature, Developing Literacy and Differentiating Instruction, 1/e presents teachers with a charming recital of the conversations and advice that are sure to engage every learner in an active role to glean meaning from text.

Together, the authors highlight the use of reader-response theory in classrooms and uncover how it can affect literacy learning and second language acquisition.

This book is a testament to their philosophical approach, illustrating how student-centered instruction using literature, can differentiate instruction for English learners, engaging them in purposeful reading and writing.


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