The Curve Ahead : Discovering the Path to Unlimited Growth, PDF eBook

The Curve Ahead : Discovering the Path to Unlimited Growth PDF


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Why do most growth companies stop growing? And what can their leaders do to overcome the barriers to growth?

The Curve Ahead tackles these questions, filling a void in the literature on innovation and growth strategy that has focused on either start-ups or large public companies.

Growth companies are different. Their challenge is to transition from entrepreneurial focus to a repeatable process for innovation and sustained growth - and the stakes are high.

The Curve Ahead utilizes the power of storytelling to teach growth company leaders how to sustain long-term growth.

Using the example of a "gazelle," a high-growth company that is increasing revenue by at least 20% annually for four years or more, this book explores the struggles faced during business growth - something that plagues many businesses.

These mid-size companies, typically with annual revenues of $10 million to $100 million, are the engines of economic growth and wealth creation.

Tragically, most fall behind the curve before they reach their potential and are sold by investors too ready to throw in the towel.

This book doesn't just lay out a fresh approach to innovation and growth strategy. It also helps professionals and business leaders avoid common pitfalls by illustrating the various ways in which growth companies get stuck and flame out.

Author Dave Power then tells leaders how to get un-stuck.

In addition to a myriad of real-world stories and case studies, each chapter of The Curve Ahead begins with the story of a fictional company called NaviMark.

Navimark is emblematic of many growth companies-it faces the same business problems, personal challenges and strategic dilemmas encountered by Power in his 25 years managing, investing in and advising growth companies.

Following Navimark throughout the book allows Power to provide a highly complex model of typical struggles and scenarios faced by growth companies and deliver that story to his readers in an extremely edifying, play-by-play manner.

The strategy allows readers to follow along-observing, in real time, the way that Navimark evolves, and responds (correctly or incorrectly) to external obstacles and demands.

This practical and fast-paced book uses realistic characters, dialogue, and business settings to: * Help readers anticipate the predictable challenges of business model maturity. * Demonstrate proven tools and approaches for overcoming the barriers to growth. * Translate abstract concepts about innovation into actionable programs that can become a part of the rhythm of the business.

This book will help thousands of midsized companies overcome the growth hump by providing the tools necessary to not only succeed but thrive in the future.

The Curve Ahead provides a roadmap for leaders who want to sustain growth over the long term.

This roadmap is based on five premises: 1. Every business model matures, following the familiar S-Curve. 2. You can and must stretch the S-Curve, but that won't work forever. 3. To sustain growth you need to find the next S-Curve 4.

Finding your next S-Curve, with some predictability, requires an innovation process, something every company should have in place. 5. Driving innovation while keeping the core business healthy is the responsibility of leaders.


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