Self-Defense For Dummies, Paperback / softback Book

Self-Defense For Dummies Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

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Get street-smart. Unleash your inner warrior. Forget everything you thought you knew about self-defense.

Those graceful martial arts moves that are so effective in the movies are likely to get you killed on the street.

In fight-or-flight mode, you won’t have the calm thinking and fine motor skills to execute them.

You need a simpler approach with a few fundamental moves that are easy to remember and perform yet devastating to an attacker.

The solution? Self-Defense For Dummies, your guide to avoiding attacks, neutralizing attackers, and protecting yourself and your loved ones.

In this book, you discover a self-defense system that works in the real world, where armed criminals target the most vulnerable and don’t fight fair. Discover strategies to make yourself a hard target, as opposed to an easy oneHeighten your awareness of your surroundings and potential threatsSharpen your self-defense instincts and respond proactively to impending dangerMaster hand-to-hand combat basics and defend against grabs and holdsLearn how to use weapons and defend against them


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