The Demotic Graffiti from the Temple of Isis on Philae Island, PDF eBook

The Demotic Graffiti from the Temple of Isis on Philae Island PDF

Part of the Material and Visual Culture of Ancient Egypt series


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This volume publishes 534 new Demotic graffiti recorded at the temple of Isis on Philae Island, presented with drawings and photographs.

New editions of 101 of the graffiti that were published by F.

Griffith in his Catalogue of the Demotic Papyri in the Dodecaschoenus (1937) are published here.

These reedited texts were mainly chosen because new drawings provided significant new readings from those made by Griffith, or they helped elucidate the scope and meaning of some of the new graffiti by placement.

The volume also includes an essay interpreting the role of the graffiti in understanding the political and religious activities at Philae temple during the last centuries of worship of the goddess Isis, mainly by Nubian priests and pilgrims.


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