Coastal Lagoons : Ecosystem Processes and Modeling for Sustainable Use and Development, Paperback / softback Book

Coastal Lagoons : Ecosystem Processes and Modeling for Sustainable Use and Development Paperback / softback

Edited by I. Ethem Gonenc, John P. Wolflin

Paperback / softback

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Coastal Lagoons: Ecosystem Processes and Modeling for Sustainable Use and Development describes the concepts, models, and data needed to design and implement management programs for long-term sustainability of coastal lagoons.

Based on a project conducted under the auspices of NATO-CCMS, the book provides information and methodologies essential for selecting the most appropriate solution for a targeted lagoon environment, highlights issues that must be taken into account for optimal evaluation, and illustrates what short- and long-term changes that can be expected from the application of models presented.

This book is a valuable tool for managers designing a sound, ecosystem oriented, model-based sustainable development solution.


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