Doorways to the Sacred : Developing Sacramentality in Fresh Expressions of Church, EPUB eBook

Doorways to the Sacred : Developing Sacramentality in Fresh Expressions of Church EPUB


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Fresh Expressions of Church are key aspect of mission strategy for many denominations in the UK and beyond.

Here, a stellar line-up of writers explores the central question of how Fresh Expressions turn from mission projects into authentic forms of church, developing a sacramental life of their own.

Chapters include:• Lucy Moore on Messy Church and Holy Communion • Graham Cray on the sacraments for the unchurched • Jonathan Clark on baptism and mission • John Drane on seeing the world as sacramental • Sue Wallace on the sacramentality of sacred space • Reagan Humber (pastor at Nadia-Bolz Weber’s church) on liturgy and evangelism • Adrian Chatfield on healing


  • Format:EPUB
  • Publisher:Hymns Ancient & Modern
  • Publication Date:
  • ISBN:9781848259539

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  • Format:EPUB
  • Publisher:Hymns Ancient & Modern
  • Publication Date:
  • ISBN:9781848259539