Family Law in Asia and Africa, Hardback Book

Family Law in Asia and Africa Hardback

Edited by J. N. D. Anderson

Part of the Studies on Modern Asia and Africa series


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Originally published in 1968, we were witnessing a new – and welcome – emphasis on Comparative Law, both in the Universities and even the practising profession, together with a quickened interest in the law of family relations.

This volume provided a wealth of information for anyone wishing to study these relations in a widely comparative context.

The chapters cover not only the basic law of marriage and divorce in a number of developing countries both in Asia and Africa, but also discuss in considerable detail the ways in which matrimonial property is regulated under different systems.

This was a highly topical subject at the time, when our own law of matrimonial property was under criticism and active reconsideration.

The book also treats such subjects as the eclipse of the patriarchal family in contemporary Islamic law, religious law and the modern family in Israel, the juristic basis and context of Parsi family law, and contemporary family law in Southern Africa.


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