Race and Ethnicity in the Study of Motivation in Education, EPUB eBook

Race and Ethnicity in the Study of Motivation in Education EPUB

Edited by Jessica T. DeCuir-Gunby, Paul A. Schutz


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Race and Ethnicity in the Study of Motivation in Education collects work from prominent education researchers who study the interaction of race, ethnicity, and motivation in educational contexts. Focusing on both historical and contemporary iterations of race-based educational constructs, this book provides a comprehensive overview of this critical topic. Contributors to the volume offer analyses of issues faced by students, including students' educational pursuits and aspirations, as well as the roles of students' family and social networks in achieving educational success. A timely and illuminating volume, Race and Ethnicity in the Study of Motivation in Education is the definitive resource for understanding motivation issues posed by non-dominant groups-including African American, Latino, Asian-Pacific Islanders, and Arab-American students--in educational contexts


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