From Ritual to Romance (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading), EPUB eBook

From Ritual to Romance (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading) EPUB

Part of the Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading series


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From Ritual to Romance explores the connection between ancient fertility rites and Arthurian legends of the quest for the Holy Grail. Rarely is literary criticism so riveting. Like a detective digging for clues, Jessie Weston builds the case that the Holy Grail was probably once part of Neolithic coming-of-age rites and religious ceremonies honoring fertility deities. She reminds her readers that the search for the Holy Grail is not about finding the actual cup that Jesus drank from at the Last Supper, but about attaining a higher level of spiritual enlightenment.

From Ritual to Romance has taken on significance once again given renewed interest in the legend of the Holy Grail as part of a larger search for enlightenment as seen in recent media, like The Da Vinci Code and Spamalot. Westons well-cadenced, lucid prose has a British charm and a strong academic assurance that create a book of graceful depth sure to be appreciated by both the casual reader and the serious scholar alike.


  • Format:EPUB
  • Publisher:Barnes & Noble
  • Publication Date:
  • ISBN:9781411431157
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  • Format:EPUB
  • Publisher:Barnes & Noble
  • Publication Date:
  • ISBN:9781411431157