Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files: Fool Moon Volume 2, Hardback Book

Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files: Fool Moon Volume 2 Hardback


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The star of Jim Butcher’s New York Times bestselling novelseries, The Dresden Files, Harry Dresden is a private investigator whoseclients require a detective with supernatural expertise — in other words,he’s a wizard for hire.

The Windy City has been hit with an outbreak ofsavage werewolf attacks — a case made even more chaotic and challenging bythe fact that Harry’s uncovered no less than three lycanthropic groups,each seemingly in conflict with one another.

On top of that, Harry’s lostthe faith of his one friend and ally among the Chicago Police Department, KarrinMurphy.

Now she, along with werewolves and hostile FBI Agents, hunts Harry whilehe races against the rise of the next full moon to discover who — or what— is behind the string of murders!


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