Make Your Own History : Timeless Truths from Black American Trailblazers, Hardback Book

Make Your Own History : Timeless Truths from Black American Trailblazers Hardback


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Celebrating the vast breadth and scope of Black excellence, MAKE YOUR OWN HISTORY spotlights the principles of success exemplified by the lives of 120 Black role models - from unsung heroes to renowned leaders - who have blazed trails throughout American history.

MAKE YOUR OWN HISTORY gathers together motivational quotes, historical contexts, and enlightening precepts from Black trailblazers spanning the eighteenth century to the present.

These insights encompass twelve central themes: courage, self-discipline, compassion, perseverance, teamwork, integrity, industriousness, self-reliance, optimism, purposefulness, civility, and faith.

These vigorous virtues will: deepen your courage through journalist Ida B.

Wells' strategic activism in the face of professional and personal peril; fuel your perseverance through tennis superstar Serena Williams' journey to 23 Grand Slam singles titles and spark optimism through poet Langston Hughes' work as an artistic and intellectual catalyst for the


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