Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, EPUB eBook

Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea EPUB


  • Information


Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea is one of the representative science fiction of Jules Verne.

It starts with capturing the sea monster and ends as the Nautilus encounters a maelstrom.

Readers are guided on an exciting journey under the sea.

In the mysterious journey of 20,000 miles, Captain Nemo took the Nautilus with the other three persons including Professor Aronnax and almost traveled seven continents and four oceans in ten months.

They enjoyed constantly changing scenarios under the sea and diversified marine organisms.

The book features delicate composition, and an exciting plot, full of imagination and suspense.

The fascinating story is combined with a sense of justice, and broad historical and geological knowledge, attracting the readers to explore more information, cultivate their strong will, enrich their scientific knowledge and appreciate the vase and mysterious nature.


  • Format:EPUB
  • Publisher:CNPeReading
  • Publication Date:
  • ISBN:9787501617845

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  • Format:EPUB
  • Publisher:CNPeReading
  • Publication Date:
  • ISBN:9787501617845