The Executive's Book of Quotations, Hardback Book

The Executive's Book of Quotations Hardback

Edited by Julia Vitullo-Martin, J. Robert Moskin


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From William Wrigley's advertising maxim `Tell them quick and tell them often,' to all-purpose words of wisdom such as E.F.

Schumacher's `Think globally, act locally,' and Yogi Berra's `When you come to a fork in the road, take it,' the Dictionary of Business Quotations is a browser's delight, brimming with thousands of quotations for use in business speeches, reports, articles, or simply to spice conversation over lunch.

Stretching from Chinese proverbs to John Maynard Keynes, from Heraclitus to Peters and Waterman, compiled from newspapers, books, movies, and poetry, this lively collection arranges more than 500 topics alphabetically, spiriting us from `Advertising,' `America,' and `Avarice,' through `Wall Street,' `Winners,' and `Youth.'


