Saving the Situation, EPUB eBook

Saving the Situation EPUB

Edited by Julian Nettlefold


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With divorce rates rising, the realisation that you may become a statistic on your wedding day is as far from your mind as it could be.

You have met the person you love and want to be with for the rest of your life; you are the happiest couple in the world and no one has ever felt as much in love as you do.

When the problems in a marriage occur, they do so very suddenly and unless they are dealt with quickly the matter can boil over into divorce proceedings, solicitors, unhappiness, single parents and confused children.This book is designed to give a man the ability to solve familyproblems before they destroy him and his family.

Each chapter of this book is designed to help you with the specific problem you are facing, don't forget you may be the problem so examine yourself as well.


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