Tarot Cards For Beginners : Tarot Reading Guide, EPUB eBook

Tarot Cards For Beginners : Tarot Reading Guide EPUB


  • Information


Although it may appear that we have unraveled the mysteries of the Universe through our sciences, it is apparent that we have yet to unravel more.

Even scientists are aware of the limitations of science.

The world operates through various mechanisms that we do not fully understand yet.

It is controlled by a force we cannot see. One thing is certain--whatever it is, its effect greatly affects our lives.

People who know the secret to this operation have found a way to unravel it.

Although few literature and books exist in the world today, some became a part of our lives.

One of these, and the most effective, perhaps, is the Tarot cards.

Tarot cards have the ability to illuminate and reveal the future as well as shed light on the aspects of present that could lead to the divined future.


  • Format:EPUB
  • Pages:31 pages
  • Publisher:Distributed By Ingram Spark
  • Publication Date:
  • Category:
  • ISBN:9781681274539
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  • Format:EPUB
  • Pages:31 pages
  • Publisher:Distributed By Ingram Spark
  • Publication Date:
  • Category:
  • ISBN:9781681274539