Justice on Trial : Law, Politics and Western Sahara, EPUB eBook

Justice on Trial : Law, Politics and Western Sahara EPUB

Edited by Katlyn Thomas, Clive Symmons, Pedro Pinto Leite


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In the first book IPJET published in 2007 on the legal issues involved in the Western Sahara dispute a number of esteemed scholars discussed a myriad of issues that were pertinent to the topic at that time. Since then a number of other issues have arisen which have added to or complemented the discussions raised in that book, and the current edition seeks to present some of the most important of these in four sections: first, an updated discussion of the right to self-determination as it applies to Western Sahara; second, a discussion of human rights developments in the territory; third, an examination of the current exploitation of the territory's resources; and fourth, an expose of the international political elements that have hindered the application of international law principles to the territory.


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