Translational Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience : Normal Aspects of Hearing, Hardback Book

Translational Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience : Normal Aspects of Hearing Hardback


  • Information


Normal Aspects of Hearing is the first book in a three-book series focused on Translational Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience. The book starts out with a chapter on acoustics, and the rest of the book focuses on the anatomy and physiology of the peripheral and central auditory systems in a rather traditional manner: from caudal through rostral levels, ending with the descending auditory system.

Note that these chapters, for the most part, review topic areas that are best considered basic research and are not translational in nature.

However, the final section attempts to tie perception to the underlying physiologic responses, and chapters are parsed into stimulus factors (such as intensity, frequency, binaural stimulation, and complex sounds).

The second book in the series is Hearing Across the Life Span - Assessment and Disorders. The third book in the series is Special Topics and provides "translational" perspectives on current topics in hearing science. All three books in the series are also available to purchase as a bundle.


