Learning art - facilitated evidence to improve learning methods, EPUB eBook

Learning art - facilitated evidence to improve learning methods EPUB


  • Information


Learning is an indispensable part of life, and although you may have got the full academic degrees, you look to more intellectual, psychological, and even spiritual growth, does not know the meaning of sufficiency, and you will surely meet in your life journey more of the opportunities of learning and enriching your knowledge in life.

This book is not exclusive to students, but rather addresses the professionals, and everyone who is always on learning a new skill, foreign language, or any important information that will make it (Ha) a better and complete person.

This assistant and facilitated evidence provides means and tricks that enhance your learning capabilities, improve your memory and keep you in knowledge, and it includes a deep discussion and explanation of different learning methods, in addition to the curricula of surfing in certain materials such as mathematics, science, history, and philosophy.

I hope that this book has increased that enables you to learn more, and turn into a better life learner.

Obeikan Publishing


