Tribes of the Moon : A Book of Otherkin Coventry, Seasonal Rituals and Lunar Magick for All 13 Moons, EPUB eBook

Tribes of the Moon : A Book of Otherkin Coventry, Seasonal Rituals and Lunar Magick for All 13 Moons EPUB


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In Tribes of the Moon, Otherkin author Lotuswulf re-envisions the long-standing ideas of a witches coven and provides a new shamanic view of the coven gathering.

This book follows the cycle of a year through the lunar calendar with information about the name of each lunar month and the seasonal rites and rituals that correspond with it.

Packed with rituals for groups or solitary work, the book goes on to include ideas for ritual pathworkings with six mystical and modern archetypes that have almost been lost or degraded by modern society.


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