Sensory-Enhanced Yoga® for Children and Adolescents : Healing Childhood Trauma, Anxiety, and Stress Through the Koshas, Paperback / softback Book

Sensory-Enhanced Yoga® for Children and Adolescents : Healing Childhood Trauma, Anxiety, and Stress Through the Koshas Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

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This evidence-based and trauma-informed resource allows professionals working with children and teens to apply sensory yoga as a holistic and effective tool in addressing symptoms of trauma, toxic stress, anxiety, depression, and related mental health conditions. Based on the Sensory and Mindfulness-based Yoga for Learning Environments (SMYLE™) model, this training program can easily be adopted by a wide range of professionals and applied to various settings, including schools, yoga classes, community centres, and group homes. In reducing stress, emotional dysregulation, and symptoms of hypervigilance and trauma, children and teens are able to benefit from a maintained state of calm and focus, and a heightened sense of self-worth and empowerment allowing for the long-term development of consistent healthy habits and routines.


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