A Lethal Question, Hardback Book

A Lethal Question Hardback


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With one patient’s question, a therapist’s life careens off the railsManhattan psychiatrist Bill Madrian takes pride in the level of trust he establishes with his patients.

For a patient to open up, they must truly believe that everything said in a therapy session remains confidential.

But Bill has never realized the complications this confidentiality could present—until he treats Alex Bronzi. One day, in a session with Alex, the young man asks, “Hey Doc, ya wanna know who clipped Boris Levenko?” Bill can hardly believe his ears.

Boris Levenko was a major crime boss who had been executed a few days prior.

The question, so loaded with portent, gives Bill information he desperately did not want to hear. With this knowledge, Bill’s life is upended, and he begins a fight for survival that takes him and his loved ones on a nightmarish journey far beyond the realm of anything he could have ever imagined.

Bill has to untangle himself from a web of deceit and corruption or risk losing his career, his family, and his life. Perfect for fans of Joseph Finder and Dennis Lehane


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