Global disasters, EPUB eBook

Global disasters EPUB

Edited by Raafat Allam

Illustrated by Raafat Allam


  • Information


As the clock approaches an inevitable end, the book "World Disasters: Literary Views" takes us on an exciting journey through various scenarios that may cause comprehensive destruction of the planet and humanity.

From the effects of the devastating global warming that we live today, to the end of the inevitable land under the arms of a swollen sun that swallows everything on its way, the book explores the horrific possibilities for the new ice ages, astronomical disasters such as clashes of comets, asteroids, and the massive volcanic eruption, and the devastating tonic.

This literary work, in a clear language and insightful vision, deals with the chances of humanity survival in front of these great challenges, calling on the reader to meditate on our common destiny and how to deal with the upcoming dangers.


