Theoretical Approaches in Psychology, Paperback / softback Book

Theoretical Approaches in Psychology Paperback / softback

Part of the Routledge Modular Psychology series

Paperback / softback

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Psychologists use a range of principles and theories, all of which view the person and the study of the person in very different ways.

Theoretical Approaches in Psychology introduces and outlines the six main approaches and considers how each has helped psychologists understand human behaviour, thought and feeling. The Routledge Modular Psychology series is a completely new approach to introductory level psychology, tailor-made for the new modular style of teaching.

Each book covers a topic in more detail than any large textbook can, allowing teacher and student to select material exactly to suit any particular course or project. Especially written for those students new to higher-level study, whether at school, college or university, the books include the following designed features to help with technique:Practice essays with specialist commentary to show how to achieve a higher gradeChapter summaries and summaries of key researchGlossary and further readingProgress and review exercises.


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