For The Sake Of Her Child, EPUB eBook

For The Sake Of Her Child EPUB


  • Information


Raped and left pregnant by her drunken father, Anna Bradley knows she must abandon her baby and make a new life if her son is to have a future.

As luck would have it, she is befriended by Maggie Fellen, and under her gruff but tender care, Anna builds up a successful business, and even finds a measure of happiness with Edward Royce.

The happiness does not last: tragedy - and a cruel man - rob her of both husband and livelihood and once more she must rebuild her fortune.

But Anna can never forget her firstborn; and when Fate leads her back to Wednesbury, it is to a confrontation that could break - or mend - her heart.


  • Format:EPUB
  • Publisher:Hodder & Stoughton
  • Publication Date:
  • Category:
  • ISBN:9781444718584



  • Format:EPUB
  • Publisher:Hodder & Stoughton
  • Publication Date:
  • Category:
  • ISBN:9781444718584