Family Affairs, PDF eBook

Family Affairs PDF


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In the 19th century, Mary Kendal was left a widow in her early 30's when her husband, Tom, was killed in an accident on their farm in Cumberland.

She had eight children between five and sixteen to rear and was worried about their finances.

She decided to let out three rooms for Bed and Breakfast and evening meals and in so doing eventually met and married her second husband, Peter Allinson with whom she has six more children. She is faced with a dreadful dilemma when he proposes because if she marries him, she must move to London where he lives and leave her children on their farm in Cockermouth, Cumberland.

The older children have said they will look after the younger ones so that they can stay together.

Mary decides that if she goes through with this marriage that she will do her best to be a really good mother to all of them by commuting between the two homes to be there for them whenever they need her.


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