warr;or21, EPUB eBook


  • Information


We all experience daily stressors, crisis events, and struggles at work and in life.

Regardless of our chosen profession or age, there is one certainty.

Each day offers an opportunity to help others and protect and enhance our well-being. Within a twenty-one day journey supported by extensive research, Dr. Jeff Thompson shares insight into how to effectively manage thinking, calm the mind, and build resilience and mental strength while developing short daily practices that promote a better, happier lifestyle.

While addressing the pillars of awareness, wellness, purpose, and positivity, each daily practice includes a keyword and related quote, a morning breathing exercise, a short article with a brief reflection on the keyword, and an evening gratitude practice.

Each practice is connected and designed to take just ten to fifteen minutes in total to complete, and encourages participants to set smaller goals to achieve larger goals. warr;or21 is a twenty-one day guide to establishing daily practices and positive coping habits to persevere through challenges, overcome roadblocks, and attain better overall health and well-being.


  • Format:EPUB
  • Publisher:Lulu.com
  • Publication Date:
  • ISBN:9781716508509
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  • Format:EPUB
  • Publisher:Lulu.com
  • Publication Date:
  • ISBN:9781716508509