The Revolutionary War : The Coming Storm, 1763-75, Paperback / softback Book

The Revolutionary War : The Coming Storm, 1763-75 Paperback / softback

Part of the Casemate Illustrated series

Paperback / softback

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The 17th and 18th centuries witnessed a period of almost constant conflict in Europe and North America.

In New England, the threat of invasion from the French in the North and the Spanish in the South weighed heavily on the colonists.

The Crown's solution was to send an army from Britain to help govern, organize and protect the colonies, but ultimately this was not enough to secure loyalty and quell the whispers of revolt. For over a century, discontent simmered, but allegiance to the Crown and the military protection provided by Britain superseded - at least initially - the majority of grievances.

Before 1763, many colonists fought for King and Country during multiple battles and the monarchy had demonstrated an ability to support and defend the colonies. Over time, however, Britain and the colonists disagreed on methods of governance and taxation, and how best to protect territory and trade.

As wars waged on, allegiances became strained and imperial control required a different and perhaps more considered approach.

This was not forthcoming, as Crown and Parliament continued to tighten political and economic rule, which both divided and provoked the colonists.

Some, such as the political propagandist Thomas Paine, eventually argued: 'the period of debate is closed... 'TIS TIME TO PART.'


  • Format:Paperback / softback
  • Pages:128 pages, 100 photographs and illustration
  • Publisher:Casemate Publishers
  • Publication Date:
  • Category:
  • ISBN:9781636240923
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  • Format:Paperback / softback
  • Pages:128 pages, 100 photographs and illustration
  • Publisher:Casemate Publishers
  • Publication Date:
  • Category:
  • ISBN:9781636240923